Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The XXX Tripel Recipe (by demand)

By popular demand, the Tripel recipe is below.  This was my 30th homebrewed beer.  It was only fitting to make it a Belgian Tripel, named and indicated historically with the XXX label on the barrel.  After only 3 months in the bottle, it is one of my favorites.  I'm very pleased with the way it turned out.

Recipe for a 4 gallon batch.

8 lb Pilsner Malt
1 lb Maris Otter Malt
1.25 oz Tettnang for 60 minutes (4.7%, 28.63 IBU)
.5 oz Saaz for 30 minutes (3.2%, 1.56 IBU)
Wyeast 1214 Belgian Ale yeast

This resulted in 1.061 OG on brewday.

Add 1 lb Belgian Candy sugar (15 L) on day 3

Add 1 lb Turbinado raw cane sugar on day 5.  Boil for 10 minutes, then cool.

Turbinado sugar.  It will get very dark while boiling

Cumulative OG = 1.081
FG 1.010
ABV - 8.6%

How does it fit with the BJCP Guidelines for a Tripel?

OG: 1.075 - 1.085 (this recipe 1.081)
FG: 1.008 - 1.014 (this recipe 1.010)
IBU: 20 - 40 (this recipe 30.19)
SRM: 4.5 - 7.0 (this recipe is in the 6 zone)
ABV: 7.5 - 9.5 (this recipe 8.6)

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