Tuesday, March 19, 2013

And the menu is set for the Imperial Stout Tasting

The first official Dunerbrew Hosted Tasting Event is coming to a Saturday near you.  The objectives of these events are quite simple and listed below.  It's an easy SELL.
  • Socialize and enjoy the company of fellow beer enthusiasts
  • Experience a beer style (or two), based on a particular theme for the event.
  • Learn something new, about the style(s), brewing process, and ingredients (taste and smell)
  • Leave with a greater appreciation for one of the world's oldest (and greatest) beverage.
Here is the order of operation, as it stands now, for the next event.

Homebrewed SMaSH:  (1) Thinking Big, Maris Otter and Centennial, 6.2% ABV

(taste Maris Otter malt, and smell Centenniel hop pellets)

Extra Stout:
Overall Impression: A very dark, moderately strong, roasty ale. Tropical varieties can be quite sweet, while export versions can be drier and fairly robust.  (BJCP Style Guidelines, 2012, bjcp.org)

(First Qtr.)
(2) Guinness Foreign Extra Stout, 7.5% ABV
(3) Dunerbrew Stout (Homebrew), 7.5% ABV

(taste American Two Row Pale malt, roasted barley, and smell Kent Goldings hops)

American-Style Imperial Stout:
American-style imperial stouts are black in color. They typically have an extremely rich malty flavor and aroma with full sweet malt character. Roasted malt astringency and bitterness can be moderately perceived but should not overwhelm the overall character. Hop bitterness should be medium-high to very high and balanced with the malt personality. Hop aroma and flavor is usually medium-high to high floral, citrus and/or herbal. Fruity-ester characteristics are generally high. Diacetyl (butterscotch) levels should be absent.  2013 Brewers Association Beer Style Guidelines used with permission of Brewers Association
(Second Qtr.)
(4) Green Flash Double Stout, Black Ale, 8.8% ABV
(5) Great Divide Yeti Imperial Stout, 9.5% ABV

(chocolate cake time)

(Third Qtr.)
(6) Bell’s Expedition Stout, 10.5% ABV
(7) Oskar Blues Ten Fidy, 10.5% ABV

(Fourth Qtr.  Strong Ales)
(8) Severus Strong Ale, Oak Aged (Homebrew), 9.1% ABV
(9) Weyerbacher Insanity, 11.1% ABV

Sound like a good time?  I think so.  I'll look forward to it.


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